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The body piercing jewelry should be cleaned before having sex. It is mandatory to use condoms during this period. Avoid all oral contact. Try to avoid formulas that may cause irritation. It is always up to you. Do not play with your body. Try to follow the best tips that will allow you the best healing procedure. In short, once you make up your mind about the body jewelry you want, you need to determine the area, too. Note that you will need to watch out for that zone until the healing procedure is over. Choosing It is a permanent body decoration or not is made on different parts of the body with needles. How to choose the area of your body jewelry sale? It's a personal decision, think about it, mainly that you like and then you will enjoy. Does it hurt? It depends on the area you choose and the site you have chosen to let you and if in this or any system using anesthesia to numb the area. Although there are cases, like the body jewelry piercing on the tongue Bodys jewelry trends, which later on can be more annoying than the drill itself.